Friday, September 14, 2007

Finally, work!

I finally have a job! I'll be leaving the country on the 27th or 28th (after Cheosuk, the Korean thanksgiving), then doing my visa run to Japan on the 2nd or 3rd of October. I'm waiting for them to receive my paperwork before I get a final departure date, but they need someone ASAP so I'm not too worried.

I'll be in Hwamyeong-dong, a quiet, clean little city/neighborhood at the outskirts of Busan, the second largest city in South Korea (some call it the San Francisco of Korea, as Seoul is the New York.) There is a tight-knit, welcoming expat community there, and there are two other native speakers (from English-speaking countries) who live in my building. According to the recruiter the apartment is on the 12th floor and has a nifty view. Vhe shall see. The school is large for a private institute, with 10 Korean teachers, but I'll be the only English instructor. On the upside, according to the current teacher, the longest my days (and, therefore, my teaching hours) are is 2:30 to 7:30. I only have to be at the school for my teaching hours (little to no prep time needed), so when there aren't later classes I get to leave early. This is the only private school I've found with such nifty hours.

We'll see. It all sounds good, but who knows what the future holds.
I am cautiously optimistic.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Congrats on the job. Yay Busan!

It's a very pretty city, with some very nice beaches. Daegu's only an hour away by bus, so maybe we could have lunch sometime once you're over here. It'd be crazy cool to meet blogger buds in person.

Good luck packing and all that. Relish your goodbyes. Seriously.