Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Things change even as they stay the same...

Ok, here's the lowdown.

My recruiter has not contacted me at all since the last time I posted, which is one day shy of a full week ago. I have, however, found a new ad put out by his agency advertising jobs just today. I'm guessing he hasn't contacted me about any of them because they are almost 100% kindy teaching (read: daycare), which I have never done and don't particularly want to do, and my recruiter knows this. I might be willing to try it, though (depending on how much back-up I have for my 'learning how to deal with 10 small children at a time' phase), because I'm running out of time. The ASAP positions are in Seoul, where I haven't thought of teaching for a long time (ever since I found that the pay tends to be lower in the big city, though these positions advertise starting wages higher than most other stuff I've found in smaller cities - this could be a bad sign...), but I'm never one to turn down adventure. I've e-mailed the recruiter about this. We'll see what he says.


I've checked out another recruitment agency in Busan, which has set me up with several schools in Hwamyeong-dong for interviews. It seems like a nice enough area, and the schools have good reviews, but I really like the security of Duff Recruiting. Michael's proven himself solidly on-my-side for these teaching contracts, and he's been extremely helpful all 'round. Plus, he's expecting a baby, and I'm all over making sure he's got some extra money for that. Just from watching my brother I know how expensive it can be to have kids.

I'm going stir crazy. Since I quit my job, I have little to distract me. Thank god for my friends who come over and poke me into packing or getting rid of crap or leaving the house. We're getting my scooter running again with my brother's help (i.e. we sat on our butts and watched Bill pull the whole scooter apart, and today he's coming back to put it back together) so that I can sell it. It's a solid little scooter (that I shall miss *sniff*) that should provide me with enough money to survive my first month of living in South Korea.

I'll keep this updated. Things change almost every day, and then several things change at once.

Life is funny like that.

Thanks to Diana for keeping tabs on me. ;)


Diana said...

Stay positive, Kat. Check out the Dave's jobs and post your resume there. I got all my best offers (except the job I took, which I got through a fellow blogger, but the job was advertised on Dave's). It's really a good idea to use more than one recruiter and applying direct to schools.

There are LOTS of positions open for genuinely qualified people. In the meantime, get your passport if you haven't yet, get a certified copy of your degree from the nearest Korean consulate in the US, take extra passport photos, and order extra official transcripts so that you're all ready to go when you get the right offer!

Jelly said...

Hi! Have you checked out this ad? I think the 5 weeks vacation position sounds sweeeeeet!

I think if I did it over again, I'd be looking at an Elementary School position.

Diana's got good advice! If I can be of any help, pls let me know. I remember when I was coming over here - such an exciting time!